I have always known that the world I see is not a whole, that it is only a piece available to the public. I wanted to know what is unknown, to look where it is not allowed. As a teenager, I was looking for answers to my questions in various ways, but my adulthood opened new possibilities for me, aroused the curiosity of the world, overcome the barriers of what can not be, what does not fall out. My path led me to the unknown, though much-desired regions. Life on my way has put many guides and mentors.
I understood that what is the most important is in me, I discovered the energy and joy of life. Since that time, I want only more and more. The next years are gathering knowledge, learning new techniques, improving. Thanks to workshops and training, I learned new paths and techniques.
I began to explore the Great Secrets of Mother Nature. My path led me to the Grand Master of Reiki – Stefania Grabowska. Sheis a person who opened the magic of healing energy to me, based on the knowledge of the eminent expert of the Japanese Dr. Mikao Usui. Exactly then, I understood that everything what surrounds us is energy, I saw an aura and I opened myself to the world. And, above all, I believed in myself.
Silva method
The next step was the Silva workshop led by Andrzej Wójcikiewicz. There, thanks to the knowledge of the state of Alpha, I realized that you can communicate with everything that surrounds us, I experienced working with myself at an even deeper level. I got to know my body more and learned to take messages from it.
Working with a pendulum
Workshops by Zbigniew Jan Popko – a man with enormous knowledge and passion have made me aware of the multitude of factors that have a significant impact on our lives, the multiplicity of energy, the impact of other civilizations and beings. I got to know the secrets of working with a pendulum. and the basics of treatments that purify our lives. . More people appeared as signposts in my life.
Thanks to Marianna Bartke leading the Thetahealing training using the Vianna Stibal method, I learned the principles of working on myself in theta state, which is called the state of genius. My perception of myself and the world has changed. Thanks to this knowledge, I discovered methods that free us from programs of ancestors, weddings and commitments. I got to know the unique energy of the Angels, I gained knowledge that allows me to drain souls and release techniques from curses and charms. I understood the principles of visualization and creation of my own reality, and on the modules of the intuitive anatomy I learned what causes diseases and dysfunctions of our body.
Energy mandalas
I also came to the contemporary shaman of Barbara Turlińska, thanks to who new possibilities opened up for me. I have learned techniques, rituals and ceremonies that provide protection against harmful energies and toxic people. Thanks to the acquired knowledge, I learned to live life to the fullest, to accept everything that is beautiful and incomprehensible. I discovered in myself deeply hidden areas of extraordinary sensitivity, I felt the strength to create. I started to paint intuitively. Established mandalas painted with soul and heart ,. I discovered their great power to support our steps on the way to the goal. I also understood that this is a gift … a gift that I should share.
Vedic Art
The next artistic path of Vedic Art, Adrianna Karima, was a natural step. This is one of the greatest pleasures I have been able to give myself in recent years. All blockades have broken, I have overcome shame and fear, if I can do it. I freed all joy, painted my heart, brush held my soul. I started to create to order. Mandalas and energy images are created in full concentration, under the influence of inspiration and the magic of the moment.
Feng-shui i numerologia
Sensitivity to colors and shapes brought me another workshop with Barbara Gogolin, a woman who introduced me to the path of living consistent with the principles of feng-shui. She gave me knowledge about the energy of shape and color, I learned to arrange the interiors so that they would be friendly to us. I experienced an intuitive reading of space and understood the power of sound. I also learned numerology and realized how much the numbers affect us. The numerological portrait created for me and my relatives showed me a significant influence on our lives.
Working with unicorns
Finding the way to my soul immensely enriched my life, I look into myself deeply each day to hear the signals coming from my subconscious, so guided by the intuition I took part in the Miraculous Miracle course, even though it sounded so mysterious … and yet I was drawn by unimaginable force. The angelic school, founded by Diane Cooper, was like a Columbus discovery for me. A discovery of the riches of the wonderful world, full of angels, fairies, devas, elves and beautiful creatures called unicorns.
The gift of their understanding, the ability to connect and draw on this magic allowed me to understand and appreciate the magnificence that our planet shares with us every day, which we do not notice every day. I felt gratitude for Mother Earth and from now on every day I would like to thank for the energy that I get, making sure that my actions do not bring her harm. I took the trouble of an ecological life, and although it seemed exhausting at first, today I know that it can be learned for the benefit of ourselves and subsequent generations.
Sacred space of the heart
The Workshops of the Sacred Space of the Heart, led by Tony de Winter by Drunvalo Melchizedek, gave me a sense of my own Power. They taught to work in the space of the heart, space to create our life and unity with the world. At these workshops I realized what the Gift of Love is so often lost and misunderstood.
The Ho’oponopono workshop, based on the assumptions of the famous Hawaiian kahye Morrnah Simeon, has been recognized by the University of Cambridge and the United Nations. This knowledge allows us to release the amount of stress accumulated over the years, to repair the relationships that connect us with ourselves and the world, and to get rid of addictions and energy disorders leading to illness and trauma. The components of our being are also the gifts of our ancestors – their emotions, behaviors, traumas and thoughts. Only understanding and accepting their will will allow us to discover our fullness. A brilliant technique containing consciousness-forgiveness-release. It gives tranquility and inner peace.
Business with soul
I came across a workshop called Business with a soul run by a great business coach Celestyna D. Osiak. There, I learned marketing techniques, principles of building an image and creating a business road in line with my ideals.
Akashic Chronicles
The reading workshops of the Aqsa Chronicles led by Gabrielle Orr, gave me more tools to work with myself and opportunities to help others. By contacting teachers and masters we experience a different insight regarding the problem, we can find out the reason and get a recipe for solving this problem.
The knowledge, experience and energy accumulated by me spread from the inside out, that’s why one day I put it on paper and the first sketches of the workshops were created. There are modules on which I not only share knowledge, but also show techniques for everyday use, I point to the paths to Life Awareness. Starting to run our own workshops does not mean, however, that I stopped looking for new roads and techniques.
During the workshop I met many fascinating people whose life is the source of my constant inspiration. Many of these people accompany me to this day on the road to a better one.
I invite you to this way today …